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The Indian Head Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (IHES PTO) is comprised of parents and guardians of students at Indian Head Elementary School. The school staff are also members. There is no fee or registration associated with membership.

The PTO serves the IHES community by means of programs, projects, activities and financial donations.  Our current fundraiser is for classroom collections of Box Tops, Capri Sun, and Labels for Education.

The PTO is at work throughout the school year. It is only through the help of numerous individuals donating time and talents that this group works so effectively.

Box Tops, Capri Sun, and Labels for Educations

Here are a few easy ways to earn money to support our school and PTO program! Helping can be as easy as your next trip to the grocery store.  Collect Box Tops, Capri Sun, and Labels for Education and send them to school to earn money to use towards our students and activities.